
You can access the Pepř Mine via the Václav Adit from the Sázava River, near the Žampašský Viaduct.

Contact us

Jílovské zlaté doly - Důl Pepř
Entrance through the Václav gallery from the Sázava River 

Žampach, Jilové u Prahy
250 82 Czech Republic

Mgr. Pavel Škácha, Ph.D.

+420 605 116 108

Vladimír Pravda

+420 724 753 983

The website is operated by Montanika z.s.

Hledíková 191, 252 42 Jesenice - Osnice, Czech Republic
Company ID (IČO): 26622751
VAT ID (DIČ): CZ26622751

How to reach the Václav Adit by bus or train and where to park your car

Bus to Jílové u Prahy, náměstí - from there, it's approximately a 1-hour walk

From Prague - Budějovická (bus, metro) or Prague - Obchodní náměstí (tram, bus, train).

Also accessible from the following stations: Psáry, Jesenice, Vestec, Libeř, Zlatníky, Dolní Břežany, Petrov, Pohoří, Kamenice, Skalsko, Okrouhlo, Zvole, Vrané n. Vltavou, Březová-Oleško, Týnec n. Sázavou, Chlístov, and from the stop in Benešov.

Bus to Jílové u Prahy, Borek - from there, it's approximately a 35-minute walk

From Jílové u Prahy (náměstí), Kamenný přívoz, and Krhanice.


From Prague - Hlavní nádraží and Čerčany.

By car - where to park

In most cases, you can use the two parking places at the Penzion and Restaurant "Jaro" and then walk approximately 200 meters. Parking is also available under the Žampašský Viaduct.

If, in exceptional cases, the access road through the Penzion and Restaurant Jaro area is closed, you can use a narrow path halfway up the slope between the area and the Žampašský Viaduct.